Saturday, 30 November 2013

Front cover - construction process

The above image displays the early construction of  the front cover of my magazine.

This is the early stages of the construction for the front cover of my pop music magazine. As you can see the text is quite big and for this reason makes my cover star appear to look quite small which I plan to change. In addition to this I am planning to change the placement of my barcode and the size of the barcode making it smaller and moving it to the bottom left corner of the page instead of the right. I am also dissatisfied with my masthead at this point in time because it looks amateur.

The above image displays further construction for the front cover of my magazine.
This is the further improved version of the front cover for my magazine. As you can see I have moved the barcode to the left corner at the bottom of the page and decreased its size. I have also made the image of my cover star a bit larger so that she can been seen more. Lastly I have changed my masthead which I think looks reasonably better than my previous one.

The above image displays the final stages of construction for the front cover of my magazine.

Due to the feedback that I received on the masthead of my magazine I decided to change it  because the style of font in which I chose for the masthead previously didn't suit the appearance of my magazine so I decided to change the masthead and make it a more modern style of font. I also increased the size of the image of my cover star so that she would be noticeable to the audience.


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