Adobe Illustrator: Lesson Workshop
- I learnt how to use the art board tool which I used to resize the page and which I also learnt could also be used to create multiple canvases which is helpful because it means that you can display a range of different ideas.
- I learnt how to use the gradient tool which I used for the text "hello". With this tool I experimented with different colours such as pink, purple, grey and blue. I also was able to experiment with the intensity of these colours.
- I also learnt how to create outlines on the text which was very useful because it allowed me to extend different points of the letters and this is what I have done with both texts. This tool also allowed me to move the text as individual letters.
- I also learnt how to use the 3D effect tool which again I have used for both texts displayed above.
Esther, you have worked hard and your blog is looking very good. Most tasks are detailed and have been completed and uploaded. It would be useful to organise them in order (use the brief) but you have added annotations and comments and are showing your progress, planning and journey leading up to the coursework. Make sure you get some feedback on your presentation and keep posting what you are working on as regularly as you can. Keep up the good work.