Thursday, 12 December 2013

Front cover of magazine

 This is my final front cover, overall I am very pleased with the appearance of my cover as I think that it reflects my chosen genre of pop very well. I have used bright eye-catching colours which I believe will catch the  attention of the audience whilst still complementing the appearance of the cover itself. I am also very pleased with the image of my model who I think looks like a pop music artist and makes the magazine look professional. 


  1. I really like your masthead, it is vibrant, eye-catching and formal however, I'm not quite sure who the target audience is.

  2. the front cover is very good. It is well structured and layed out perfectly. The use of the colour scheme is very impressive, especially with the text since it looks good with the back ground colour.

  3. I like the colour scheme and the fact that it's simple. But the font of your masthead needs to be bigger, making it clear that it's the masthead.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I like your front cover of your magazine. Your image and your colour scheme effectively links to the genre of your magazine. I like how some of the letters of your masthead are in different colours. It makes it look fun and intriguing. Well done :)

  5. I really like your front cover, again you've made good use of the spacing by shaping the text around the cover star, again create background colour it makes everything else on the page stand out.
